Genetic identification,
tool of the future.

ADN CANINO, a pioneering company in dog identification

systems for their registration in the municipalities.

ADN Canino

ADNCanino is a company based on veterinary molecular biology.

We are at the forefront of genetic management. We create canine censuses through their DNA but we also work with disease detection systems, with the aim of improving the lives and coexistence of our pets and citizens in the municipalities where we work.


Our project:
a gesture with great care.


Steps to introduce the project in your municipality.

iGecan Tool

We manage and supervise the entire process.


ADNcanino possesses ISO 9001
and ISO 14001 certifications


ADN Canino has developed an efficient,


Laboratories with wide experience.


Keep updated about identification advances



Service vouchers


an ID

a Dog-tag

We manage and supervise the entire process so that the municipality obtains a census of reliable data on all canines and their owners.

We create canine censuses through their DNA but we also work with disease detection systems, with the aim of improving the lives and coexistence of our pets and citizens in the municipalities where we work.

We have developed a system that allows us to easily and reliably obtain optimal results by creating a canine census through DNA extraction.

The solution is affordable and simple. We do this by collecting biological samples using the latest techniques. The extraction method is effective, simple and fast.

Our data

Our best endorsement

ADNcanino cities


Registered canine


Stool samples from public places
analyzed, with a probability of success of 85% in DNA extraction.


Collaborating Clinics


Direct and indirect jobs


Download our catalog

Contact us and Contribute to Canine Wellbeing and Coexistence in your Location!

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Los datos de carácter personal que consten en la consulta serán tratados por ADN CANINO, S.L. e incorporados a la actividad de tratamiento CONTACTOS, cuya finalidad es atender tus solicitudes, peticiones o consultas recibidas desde la web, mediante correo electrónico o telefónico. Dar respuesta a tu solicitud y hacer un seguimiento posterior. La legitimación del tratamiento es tu consentimiento. Tus datos no serán cedidos a terceros. Tienes derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir tus datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en nuestra política de privacidad:

At the service of municipalities, seeking to encompass values of coexistence.

(+34) 96 220 45 50

Plaza Santa Ana 11 Bajo
46800, Xàtiva (Valencia)

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