
We always have the latest advances in laboratory technology and a multidisciplinary team with recognized prestige and extensive experience.

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ADN Canino owns its laboratory, which is equipped with extensive equipment and protocols to attend to all samples with the highest quality and efficiency.

In search of continuous improvement, with a capacity for more than 3000 daily tests originating from more than 90 municipalities, determining genetic profiles for molecular markers SRTs for genetic identification, also collaborates with a group of laboratories with extensive experience in the use and development of the most innovative DNA technologies. Offering a high-quality service through continuous investment in R+D (Research and Development), quality control (ISO 17025 accreditation and ISO 9001 Certification), ICT and the most sophisticated analysis techniques.

We offer our clients through the laboratories, effective and innovative solutions, reliable and of high reliability, to the demand in matters of identification and filiation genetic, diagnostic of hereditary diseases and other genetic characteristics in dogs and cats.

For this, we always have the latest advances in laboratory technology and a multidisciplinary teamwith recognized prestige and extensive experience, prepared to offer safe, fast, and effective solutions that are tailored to the problems and needs specific to each client.

Contact us and Contribute to Canine Wellbeing and Coexistence in your Location!

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At the service of municipalities, seeking to encompass values of coexistence.

(+34) 96 220 45 50

Plaza Santa Ana 11 Bajo
46800, Xàtiva (Valencia)

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