How to implement this project in your municipality.

Successful implementation: Steps to introduce the project in your municipality.

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Modify the current local laws in terms of animal protection.

In order to develop this project in a municipality, some actions must be followed to implement the municipal canine census.


Implementation of the procedures for the setting up in the municipality by our team.

Installation of iGecan software, training, creation of information and awareness campaigns, graphic design, merchandising, etc.


Creation of the genetic database.

This registry is fully managed by the company ADNcanino, with the collaboration of licensed veterinarians.


Unsocial behavior.

When a dog owner leaves their pet's feces on the street, in addition to demonstrating unsocial behavior, this act becomes an image and public health issue due to the transmission of diseases that it can entail.


Sampling from feces.

Officials competent in this matter, along with an operator who will have received full training on the use of iGecan software, the taking of samples from the feces, and their respective chain of custody will carry out the collection of DNA samples from these feces.


Sending of samples.

The samples are sent to our laboratory where the DNA extraction from the samples from the feces and identification of the responsible parties is carried out.


Sending of genotyping reports.

Obtained with the iGecan software from the City Council, which will carry out the pertinent actions.

Contact us and Contribute to Canine Wellbeing and Coexistence in your Location!

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At the service of municipalities, seeking to encompass values of coexistence.

(+34) 96 220 45 50

Plaza Santa Ana 11 Bajo
46800, Xàtiva (Valencia)

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